Jali Stories

Jali Fretwork Panel as coasters in pattern 2152
Jali Fretwork Panel as coasters in pattern 2152

Fabulous Fretwork For Festive Tables…

This week we’re having fun with fretwork. Actually, every week at  Jali we do something interesting with fretwork – it’s one of the things we’re best known for. But now it’s all about the Christmas decorations and that is a whole other level of joy… This year, in the run-up to the festivities, we’re suggesting…

Detail of Jali made to measure Dresser with grooved backboard
Detail of Jali made to measure Dresser with grooved backboard

Made To Measure, For Maximum Pleasure

The beech trees in this part of Kent are now glorious shades of russet, yellow and gold;  there are almost more leaves on the ground than on the branches at this point. So really, finally, it’s the time of year for comforting casseroles and mugs of hot chocolate… Autumn is always lovely here in the…

Design idea for Jali Shelving using wallpaper
Design idea for Jali Shelving using wallpaper

Storage To Spoil Your Guests And Save Your Sanity!

There’s nothing like the imminent arrival of of high days and holidays to draw attention to the lack of storage in the average British dwelling. As we’ve said before, the UK has the smallest homes in the whole of Europe, so we’re at a big disadvantage from the start. Having to reach round, step over…

Jali bespoke computer workstation in alcove
Jali bespoke computer workstation in alcove

Unique Furniture, Designed By You, For You…

I was leafing through the latest edition of the CoolBrands report for 2015/16, when an article jumped out at me. (Since 2001, CoolBrands has been compiling “an independent survey of experts and consumers to produce a yearly barometer of the coolest brands, people and places in Britain.” We’re not in it… Yet.) Written by Sam…

Large white Jali Dresser and oak veneered Jali Shelving and Radiator cover
Large white Jali Dresser and oak veneered Jali Shelving and Radiator cover

Bookcase And Dresser, For Now And Forever!

Despite changing times, fashions and technologies, there are some things we humans have created that just, well, work. Take the bookcase, for example. Recent doom-laden reports on the death of the printed book, at the hands (digits?) of the Kindle and other e-readers, have proved far from accurate. So it looks as if the traditional…

Jali bespoke wardrobe with panelled doors
Jali bespoke wardrobe with panelled doors

Wardrobes For All Seasons

It’s that time of year for our wardrobes once again – when shorts, skirts and t-shirts make way for woollies, tights and coats. Although it’s always sad to wave summer goodbye, there are (whisper it) some of us at Jali who actually look forward to this change of season. Because it means we finally get…

Jali customised products
Jali customised products

Modern DIY – Fast, Fun And Frugal!

It’s National DIY Week (14 – 20 September), and here in the Jali factory you can’t move for champagne and bunting. Actually, that’s not true. But it’s great that DIY is being celebrated, as self-reliance and home-based skills are part of the UK’s – and Jali’s – rich tradition. (A bit like the WI, but…

Bespoke soft close drawers from Jali
Bespoke soft close drawers from Jali

Design Your Own Furniture… At Festival Time!

The London Design Festival is almost here again – it runs from 19 – 27 September 2015. It’s a great event for anyone interested in furniture or interior design, with a wealth of ideas, products, demonstrations and exhibitions to see. Having enjoyed my previous visits, I’ll definitely be going back this year. The pieces on…

Jali bespoke dresser to fit alcove space
Jali bespoke dresser to fit alcove space

Start With A Jali Smooth Surface, Then Add Texture…

Well, that was quick. Is it just me, or did Summer 2015 feel like a short dress-rehearsal for the real thing, with a few weeks of wintery cold, rain and fog thrown in to make up the shortfall? Of course, we may yet have an Indian Summer, as the Met Office is currently forecasting, though…

Slatted Jali Radiator Cover in hallway
Slatted Jali Radiator Cover in hallway

Radiator Covers: Quick, Chic And Easy…

A Bank Holiday weekend, like the one coming up, is the perfect time to design Jali radiator covers. A brilliant way to disguise ugly radiators or storage heaters, they provide the finishing touch to a room in a really stylish fashion. And they come with an integral shelf into the bargain… Measuring is simple; if…

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