It’s that time of year for our wardrobes once again – when shorts, skirts and t-shirts make way for woollies, tights and coats. Although it’s always sad to wave summer goodbye, there are (whisper it) some of us at Jali who actually look forward to this change of season. Because it means we finally get to wear the items we snaffled online while everyone else was focusing on sun protection factors and holiday insurance…

If, on the other hand, you’re dreading the Great Sartorial Switchover, it may be because your wardrobe capacity isn’t all it could be.
But don’t despair: over the past few years we’ve helped lots of customers organise their bedrooms, streamline their routines and save time – and tempers!
Think of a Jali wardrobe as a Tardis for your togs, an organiser for your outfits or just a brilliant way to keep all your attire visible, accessible and in fabulous condition.
Of course, when it comes to wardrobes, everyone’s needs are different. If you have a good long run of wall space and lots of height, our wardrobe Designer could be the ideal answer. You can subdivide the interior with compartments and shelves, have double as well as single hanging rails, plus shoe storage, shelving and drawer units that slot neatly inside, as shown below. Expert tip: If you position hanging rails one metre apart horizontally, you can hang shirts, skirts and trousers in two tiers – a real space saver!

If your wall space is interrupted by doors or windows, or you plan to take your furniture with you when you move, smaller, free-standing pieces will do the trick.
Jali’s cupboard Designer also makes fabulous free-standing wardrobes, though you will have to fit your own hanging rails. It can also be used to create fitted wardrobes.
As well as choosing the exact size you need, you can also select the kind of style details that suit you best.
If you’re a regular reader/browser of interiors magazines and blogs, you come across all kinds of advice and design themes.
Modern Pretty, Classic with a Twist and Soft Country are three of the “key flavours in bedroom style” that featured in a recent issue of The English Home magazine. They are intended to help you create a bedroom that is an “entirely personal and private [space] seen only by intimate friends and immediate family”. In other words, the aim is to turn your bedroom into a sanctuary, a personal and private haven, where you can indulge your own tastes and preferences without having to worry about what anyone else thinks of your choices.

This is something Jali can definitely help with. You can decide exactly how you want your hanging and storage space arranged. When it comes to how your wardrobe looks on the outside, you have plenty of choice there too. We can provide doors with solid or fretwork panels, or even a combination of the two.
And you can have a mix of painted and veneered finishes when you create units with the wardrobe Designer. For example, a primed or topcoated exterior and oak veneer interior.
However, if you opt for the cupboard Designer, you’ll have to decide between a painted or real wood veneer finish in oak or walnut, for both the interior and outside.
You can also expand clothes storage with Jali drawer units, both inside and outside wardrobes. At the moment you can’t design them with soft-close drawers on the website, but give us a call on 01227 833333 and we’ll be able to add them for you.
And there are other brilliant Jali products on our website that can add to both the practical and decorative side of things in the bedroom, including bookcases, cupboards, radiator cabinets, flexi shelving, pelmets and decorative shutters.
So if a truly individual and unique bedroom, one that perfectly suits your your lifestyle, fashion choices and available space sounds just the ticket, explore our website. Come next spring, you could be enjoying the switch from winter to summer clothes in an utterly delightful and totally bespoke fashion!