About Jali

Jali is a family furniture company founded in 1990, based near Canterbury in Kent, UK. It specialises in automated bespoke manufacture, and is reknowned for its award-winning online product configurator, the Jali Designer. The first of its kind, this innovation allows anyone to customise a range of furniture items online (as well as useful DIY components and architectural parts). When ordered, the unique part data is automatically downloaded by Jali’s own purpose-built machinery, and the creation process begins. Bespoke DIY furniture kits are ready for despatch within just two weeks.

Early on, Jali gained notoriety for its distinctive fretwork which featured prominently in television and film, as well as in collaborations with interior design stars Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen and Linda Barker. The first Jali made-to-measure product was a simple MDF Radiator Cover, while today the range has expanded to include Cupboards, Bookcases, Shelving, Dressers, Wardrobes and more, new style options and a range of finishes – including 24 top coat paint colours. Click here for a more complete company history.

At the core of Jali is an excitement about using technology to help make ‘stuff’, as well as a desire to be unique. Up until today, this has focused on interior decoration and furniture products. Jali is the antithesis of bland mass production, instead focusing on personalised control over the sizes and stylistic character. After all, every home is unique, and every home should feel that way. The interior design should complement the personality of the people in the space.

If the idea of furnishing your home with something you designed and built yourself excites you, Jali is for you. Maybe you’re looking for something unique, or something quite exact and you don’t want to compromise on quality – then Jali is for you. Jali is for anyone who wants precise or fitted furniture, but without the expense of bespoke carpentry. If you have awkward spaces to fill, need side or alcove fitting furniture, Jali was developed with you in mind. Ready to get started? Click here to see how it works.

As an award winning leader in technology, Jali is extremely invested in constant innovation, sustainable practices and lean manufacture. Naturally, the raw wood material is only sourced from highly abundant and sustainable FSC regulated sources. Within the factory, waste is minimised by pooling all parts currently in production and nesting them across many boards as necessary to achieve an exceptionally high yield. Energy is strictly conserved by burning remaining waste wood material on site, which is funnelled to heat the factory and circulate the paint drier, making the factory more self sufficient. Jali also looks to eliminate wasted time – another significant cost to the business and, hence, to the customer. This is achieved with specialist machinery and software systems that drive the Jali smart factory.

The underlying technology developed by Jali, offering bespoke manufacture on demand, isn’t limited to furniture. Jali aims to develop new products for more extensive applications in the near future.

As featured in...

This Old House Logo
Sixty Minute Makeover Logo
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