I was leafing through the latest edition of the CoolBrands report for 2015/16, when an article jumped out at me. (Since 2001, CoolBrands has been compiling “an independent survey of experts and consumers to produce a yearly barometer of the coolest brands, people and places in Britain.” We’re not in it… Yet.)
Written by Sam Oxley, Managing Partner at House PR, the article was about the challenge to find truly original ideas – not following the herd but creating things that are different from everything else. You can find it here as a blog post.
Today’s consumers are on a search for the new, says Sam. She goes on: “the most creative people I know, or am inspired by…. live and work in a field in Kent”. Well, the Jali team works in a field in Kent (below), so we’re delighted to be in such good company!

At Jali, we’ve always believed everyone has more abilities and talents than they are aware of. And we’re all individuals – our homes, tastes, needs and budgets are all different. So why should we put up with such restricted choice in the furniture we buy? We’re faced with the same products and furniture, made to standard sizes, just because it suits manufacturers and makes their lives easier.
So the way we do furniture manufacture is original and different. It puts you in control, and gives you the power to create not just ideas, but actual, unique products you’ll love to live with. And be very proud of, because you designed and assembled them. At Jali, we think there’s a designer inside everyone. And our job is to set that designer free, by giving you the power to make your home uniquely your own.

But Sam also makes the point that real creativity can’t be forced or prescribed, and we often get the best ideas or solve a problem when we’re doing something not connected with the task at hand.
We can be inspired by something we come across online, she accepts, but we also need time away from our devices and screens, to be free of distractions so we have time to process and reflect.
In other words, we need to learn to disconnect, as well as enjoy being connected. And if you’ve been smart enough to create unique furniture like this bespoke Jali work station (above and right), you can do both just as easily. You can create one of your own using our latest online Designer.

However, if you’ve “disconnected” from a Jali design that you made some time ago, that’s still sitting in your “Work in progress” area on our site, why not go back and finish it now, then send your order through to us?
That way, you’ll soon get all the benefits of a Jali radiator cabinet, bookcase or any other product that you’ve chosen from our wide range.
And if you haven’t started, there’s no better time than now. You’ll beat the Christmas rush and in a couple of weeks, be enjoying beautiful, practical new furniture, delivered direct from our factory in the heart of Kent (yes, that field again!) to your door.
“Brands can and should be bolder and braver when it comes to developing new ideas” says Sam. “In an era of data and tracking, it’s more challenging to do things differently, go with your gut, be the first to innovate. But that’s what many of the brands we admire most do – they buck the trend, they go their own way and they maintain their integrity.”
At Jali we’ve always aimed to do all this – and we always will. It can be a tough way to go, but as somebody once said, if a thing is worth doing, it’s worth doing well… And quite honestly, we’d rather be right than cool!