This week, I’d like to introduce you to a very clever customer, John. Not only has he found transformed an alcove using three different Jali products, he also sent us a detailed account of the process, complete with photos. It’s a journey from messy, cluttered dumping-ground to chic, stylish built-in storage, and he shows us exactly how it was done. What a star! Here’s the whole story in John’s own words – I’ve just added a few comments in square brackets.

Stage 1 – the alcove, still showing the outline of the old shelving – less than half the depth… the plinth at the bottom covers the heating pipes – that’s how they used to do it – or so I was told.
The old shelves just got filled up with books, dvds and various bits and pieces, such a mess that I never bothered to take a picture of all that clutter – but it finally had to go.
Overall size WxHxD is 4’ 10” x 7’6” x 18” deep (based on the plinth).
1. Cupboard, 4 doors, with an internal shelf (but one side is sacrificed to hold a small filing cabinet – that specified the height and depth of the cupboard)
2. Drawer unit 2 x 2 – wide drawers 27” wide by 7” high
3. Flexi shelving to fill up most of the rest of the space up to the ceiling – almost, left a gap for the coving, and somewhere to lose some odd bits and pieces would be handy.

Stage 2 – the carcase for the cupboards goes into place [above] – the shelf on the left hand side was ignored as this is where the filing cabinet is going to hide.

And another view [above], showing the box for the internet getting in the way – had to lift the carcase over this – and this is where you find out how heavy this stuff really is. ☹
[Yes, John did add that unsmiley face – I can understand why, but it also shows how well-made and high-quality our furniture is. I remember helping a friend to assemble a Jali bookcase – he was particularly surprised at how substantial the back was compared to most. ☺ ]
Stage 3 – the carcase for the drawer unit goes in.

Maybe I should have moved the sofa out of the way – and the mirror !

Doors and drawers are all fitted in:

Yes – I know there’s a handle missing, this was replaced by post in a couple of days, the first one had a fault in the finishing. Thanks Jali for the speedy replacement. [You’re very welcome John! We do try to get replacements out as fast as we possibly can.]

Final step, add the Flexi-shelving:

And the map of the world (from my old office) has found a new home, very conveniently covering up the marks on the wall from the original shelving, which I had neglected to cover up.
And finally – the full completed article. The carpet was the next thing to go!

The End
[Well, what more can I say, except to thank John warmly for his time, effort and generosity in showing us what is possible with some inspiration, imagination and a dash of DIY derring-do. So what are we all waiting for – future Jali projects, here we come!]