More great DIY projects this week, using Jali’s signature fretwork to great – dare we say even dramatic – effect. One of our clever customers has made her own makeover magic, with a bit of help from us, and then was kind enough to send us photos – thank you so much! (Full disclosure: I did my own bit of Photoshop chicanery on the picture below for the Jali ezine banner, above, but even as a singleton this window is an amazing achievement, I reckon.)

In fact, our resourceful home transformer has used Jali’s versatile fretwork panels in a couple of very imaginative ways.
Here, she’s designed a panel in pattern 2152 to use as a screen on a sash window.
I’m assuming that window film has been used on the lower section to provide maximum privacy, while the Jali panel above gives an airy feel, a view of sunlight and sky, and fabulous decorative impact.
Of course, our decorative shutters work really well on most windows, but this is a brilliant way to deal with more tricky sash or bay windows, or with secondary double-glazing.
Jali‘s very own Amy suggests using magnetic catches to make it easy to remove screens for window-cleaning, decorating etc. There are some small, flat, circular versions online that I think would do the job perfectly…

The same clever customer has used another bespoke fretwork panel, also in pattern 2152, to make a gate at the bottom of the stairs – another stroke of genius!
Although not a substitute for a child stair safety gate, used like this it’s a brilliant way to deter animals, small children and pretty much any other life-forms from going upstairs when you don’t want them to….
(Though maybe more of a dog deterrent, to be honest – a cat would probably just see it as a challenge – or a game!)
Again, many thanks to our customer for these photos. When products are wrapped, packed and despatched from the Jali factory, they usually disappear into people’s homes (or restaurants, offices, shops) and we never get to see how they are used.
So it’s great to have feedback, especially when it’s an endeavour that gives us and other keen DIYers inspiration and ideas. (I happen to know this canny customer already has more projects on the go, so once you’ve got the taste for it, it can be addictive. You have been warned!)
No fret fretwork…
Like many of our products, our fretwork panels are available in real wood veneers, as well as primed or painted finishes – contact us for details of our top-coating service. And the finish, even on the more elaborate patterns such as 2152 and 2082, is crisp, clean and entirely beautiful.
So if you have a household problem to solve, maybe involving screening something ugly and/or awkward, or creating a physical barrier that is also decorative, our gorgeous, versatile panels could be just what you need. Please keep us posted on your own DIY projects; we’d love to see what you come up with…