Two of the lovely folk at the (very stylish) RockMyStyle blog recently asked us to make a cupboard for a living room. And we did just that. It was for a refurbishment project called Rock My Room and we were delighted to help. You can see in detail just what Lauren and James did with their Jali flat-pack kit.

Here’s the cupboard being assembled, before the doors went on.
On the blog, Lauren says, “on the left hand side of the faux chimney breast there was an empty space which was being filled by our lack-lustre TV cabinet.
We felt the space was crying out for a hefty bit of storage where we could store CDs, DVDs and all sorts of technical regalia.”
Although the Jali cupboard is obviously new, along with a few other purchases, cherished, upcycled and ‘found on eBay’ pieces played a big part in this transformation. That’s another reason why we love it; it’s obviously been carefully thought through and carried out with real attention to detail – and budget!
(While we’re on the upcycling/recycling issue, even the House of Lords was discussing it this week, except they called it the circular economy, which is not exactly the sexiest or even clearest description, And, hey, it’s only taken them, what, 50-odd years to get round to it? Good grief.)
This week, we had the big reveal: this is what the room looks like now: beautiful, no?

There’s a wealth of ideas, inspiration and tips on the Rock My Style site, with an emphasis on sharing information and expertise with readers. (And interior design is only part of the story: fashion, make-up and recipe addicts, like me – you have been warned!)
(While we’re on the upcycling/recycling issue, even the House of Lords was discussing it this week, except they called it the circular economy, which is not exactly the sexiest or even clearest description, And, hey, it’s only taken them, what, 50-odd years to get round to it? Good grief.)

Anyway, at Jali we love what the Colemans have done. And many thanks also to Lauren for letting us use these ravishing photos – there are lots more on Rock My Style: The Reveal, so do have a look. I often bang on about how great it is to see our furniture in place, in people’s actual homes, as often the last we see of it is in pieces, in parcels, just before it leaves our workshop. But this has to be some of the nicest feedback ever. So, as I say, grab a coffee and have a long, lingering perusal.

So far, Lauren hasn’t been able to find the perfect (affordable) handles she dreams of for her Jali cupboard. But given her record of success so far, I can’t see them eluding her for long… Enjoy your gorgeous new room, you two!