“You’re going to need a bigger wardrobe.” That was the message in an online company’s advert recently, tempting us with their fashion range. The rascals…
Of course, there is nothing like the Christmas party season to encourage a bit of sartorial splurging. But all those new togs have got to live somewhere, and few of us are disciplined enough to follow the “one in, one out” system of keeping things under control. Well, I’m certainly not…

So when I saw our customer Kevin’s photos of his amazing walk-in wardrobe installation I was seriously impressed. A bigger, better wardrobe? Yes please! There was a LOT of swooning (might even have been some drooling) and some serious storage envy.
Below, a shot of the main section, with a Jali radiator cover on the left and showing one of the units with open shelves (seen on the left in the photo above):

Below, the end section with hanging space and drawers:

I’ll let Kevin take up the story of this stunningly successful project, while I go and do a spot of ironing….
“We have previously used Jali for radiator covers and had always been very happy with the end results. When we extended our house, a new walk-in wardrobe room was attached to the main bedroom. We took some quotes from professional designers/installers but at the same time I began tinkering with the Jali wardrobe designer – it soon became clear that, with a little effort, we could get exactly what we wanted from Jali at far less cost.
Given the size of the project, the savings were substantial. We could also keep adjusting and checking the design in a way which we could not with a professional designer. Having finalised the plans, Amy at Jali helped us to adjust the final few details and check over everything. We could also order skirting boards for the walls to match exactly the skirting on the wardrobes.”
As Kevin says,”This was a very large design – the main section is nearly 6 metres long, 80 cm deep and 2 metres high.”
Here’s a photo of the main section in the Jali factory, before the door panels were glued into place. We assemble large units like this before packing and despatch, to make sure everything will fit together perfectly when customers receive their kits.

You can just see those open shelving areas Kevin has designed; this is a brilliant way to store items such as handbags and scarves, and is definitely worth stealing.
Kevin decided to get some help with the assembly. “We had two people in who spent 3 days putting it up and a further three days painting. The way in which the units are constructed is very straightforward. As expected, everything fitted together to the final millimetre – we didn’t have to trim or adjust anything. The drawers in particular are excellent quality.”
Here’s a close-up of just some of those drawers – aren’t they gorgeous?

“The total weight of the wardrobes is over 900Kg(!) but this means that the finished units are extremely sturdy with absolutely no movement or fixing to the floor/wall required. We are delighted with the finished result, and even with the labour costs, the total cost to us was half the price quoted by professional designers and installers.”
That is so good to hear, Kevin. But you have also created a great design, and shown how easy it is to get everything you want with Jali: the furniture of your dreams, a beautiful, professional result and a substantial saving in costs.
So if Kevin’s story has got you thinking along similar lines, the Christmas/New Year period could be the ideal time to get planning. These big projects do take some time to get right, but as Kevin has shown, it’s more than worth it.
Kevin was also kind enough to wish us a happy Christmas and New Year too. Thank you, and we wish the same to you and everyone – here’s to peaceful and enjoyable celebrations for us all…